Festac-Ads is a classified ads listing website targeted at Festac Town Community residents and environs including ago-palace, satellite town, abule-ado with regions outside festac also. Features includes Buying, Renting, Leasing, Exchange.
This post intends to demonstrate how to place an item up for advertisement on the Festac-Ad page. I trust you all will find this as simple and interesting as I did.
Then Click on Post Ads as shown below

This takes you to the login page as shown below.

You can use the Register Link to Create an account or Login Using Any of the Social Network Accounts Listed.
After Login, You should see the page below

On selecting your advert type : Sell, Buy, Exchange,Job, Tolet or Rent
You should see this layout to add more options to your ads

On Selecting Your Ads Category, The next page takes you to posting your ads details

You Can add images to your ads also. See pic below

Up Next is to Fill in your contact details for potential buyers or vendors to reach you

You can also add Your Social account info and finally click on submit

Your Ads will be added to your Listings menu in your dashboard pending review from the admin

Bravoo!!. You have successfully placed an ad.
Send an email to support@festac-ads.com if you have any issues doing this